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Home > Lectures > Seminars
· Prof. Henri Berestycki: Introduction to the Theory of Traveling Waves [2022-09-05] 
· Prof. Mingxin Wang: Nonlinear Elliptic Equations [2022-08-11] 
· Dr. Jianchun Chu: Introduction to partial differential equations [2022-07-04] 
· Prof. Yuchen Liu: Introduction to K-stability [2022-07-04] 
· Dr. Pengfei Huang: Short course on Higgs bundles and local systems [2022-07-04] 

· Prof.Jifa Jiang: On the Stochastic Stability of Limiting Measures in SODEs [2022-06-08] 
· Prof.Zhan Zhou:Positive solutions of discrete boundary value problems with th... [2022-05-12] 
· Dr.Changguang Dong: Skew products: from isomorphism to Kakutani equivalence [2022-05-10] 
· Prof.Qinghui Liu:Spectrums of substitutional Hamiltonians [2022-04-29] 
· Prof.Dongmei Xiao:Centers and invariant straight lines of planar polynomial H... [2022-04-25] 

· Dr.Dangzheng Liu:Duality and Phase Transition in Non-Hermitian Random Matrix... [2022-04-21] 
· Dr. Alexander Nolte:Higher Complex Structures and Hitchin Components [2022-04-21] 
· Prof.Qin Yue: MDS or NMDS Self-Dual Codes from Twisted Generalized Reed-Solom... [2022-02-18] 
· Prof.Xiwang Cao: Infinite Families of 3-designs and 2-designs from almost MDS... [2022-02-18] 
· Prof.Hongwei Liu: Construction of MDS twisted Reed-Solomon codes [2022-02-18] 
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Chern Institute of Mathematics, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071 China
Tel: 86-22-2350-1029, 86-22-2350-8228, Fax: 86-22-2350-8114, Email: cim@nankai.edu.cn
Copyright Chern Institute of Mathematics