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Home > Lectures > Seminars
· Prof.Chaogang Feng:The beauty of mathematical structure and the beauty of en... [2023-10-11] 
· 【Short Course】Prof.Jing Zhou: Mini course on persistence homology [2023-10-07] 
· Prof.Yannan Qiu:The based rings of two-sided cells in an affine Weyl group o... [2023-09-25] 
· Dr.Xiaoping Wu:KAM theory for the third-order BO equation [2023-09-11] 
· Prof.Jiakun Liu: Introduction to optimal transport and Monge-Ampere equation [2023-09-08] 

· Dr.Zhenqi Wang:Periodic data and smooth rigidity for hyperbolic automorphism... [2023-09-04] 
· Dr.Zhenqi Wang:Smooth local rigidity for hyperbolic toral automorphisms [2023-09-04] 
· Prof.Yi Shi:Spectral rigidity and integrability for Anosov systems on tori [2023-08-29] 
· Dr.Jun Yu: Cartan-Helgason theorem for quaternionic symmetric pairs [2023-08-25] 
· Prof.Li Guo:Algebraic Birkhoff factorization and locality in renormalization [2023-08-25] 

· Prof.Xueqing Chen:From (derived) Hall algebras to acyclic quantum cluster al... [2023-08-11] 
· Prof.Baishun Lai:Localization technique of incompressible Navier-Stokes syst... [2023-08-09] 
· Dr.Lei Zhang: Fourier coefficients of automorphic representations and wavefro... [2023-07-27] 
· Dr.Shuang Liu: Spreading and competition in periodic and advective habitats [2023-07-07] 
· Dr.Tao Zhou: The generalized principal eigenvalues for elliptic operators wit... [2023-07-07] 
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Chern Institute of Mathematics, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071 China
Tel: 86-22-2350-1029, 86-22-2350-8228, Fax: 86-22-2350-8114, Email: cim@nankai.edu.cn
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