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110th Anniv. of Chern
Home > 110th Anniv. of Chern
· Prof. Zeng Lian delivers Colloquium lecture at CIM [2021-04-23] 
· Prof. Xiangyu Zhou invited to deliver a Chern Lecture at the "Nankai Universi... [2021-04-20] 
· Video:【Chern Lecture】"Start with the Introduction of Complex Number" by Pro... [2021-04-13] 
· A series of activities launched to commemorate the 110th anniversary of the b... [2021-04-16] 
· Photos: Chern Lecture "Start with the Introduction of Complex Number" by Prof... [2021-04-13] 

· Video:【Zhide Lecture】"Our Responsibility: Basic Research and Technological ... [2021-04-02] 
· Photos: Zhide Lecture "Our Responsibility: Basic Research and Technological P... [2021-04-13] 
· Commemorative Posters [2021-04-13] 
· Prof. Mo-Lin Ge delivers Zhide Lecture at CIM [2021-04-08] 
· Prof.Xiangyu Zhou: Start with the Introduction of Complex Number [2021-04-07] 

· Presentation on the commemorative activities for the 110th anniversary of Shi... [2021-04-01] 
· 2021 Commemorative Activities for the 110th Anniversary of the Birth of Shiin... [2021-04-13] 
· Dr.Chen Zhou: Lefschetz type theorems on weakly 1-complete manifolds [2021-04-02] 
· Dr.Chengjian Yao:Einstein-Bogomol' nyi equation and Gravitating Vortex equati... [2021-04-02] 
· Dr. Tengren Zhang:Directed Anosov representations and weakly positive repres... [2021-04-02] 
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Chern Institute of Mathematics, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071 China
Tel: 86-22-2350-1029, 86-22-2350-8228, Fax: 86-22-2350-8114, Email: cim@nankai.edu.cn
Copyright Chern Institute of Mathematics