News Summary:
On April 8, Prof. Gang Tian, member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Peking University Vice President and Chair Professor, was invited to give a Chern Lecture at the "Nankai University's Centennial Grand Forum". Chancellor of Nankai University Qingshan Yang and President of Nankai University Xuetao Cao met with Prof. Tian before the lecture. Xuetao Cao presented Prof. Tian with a forum speaker commemorative certificate.
At the beginning of the lecture titled "Transgression and Kähler geometry", Prof. Tian reminisced about the support and help given by Prof. Shiing-Shen Chern for his academic progress, and then introduced the Chern class, Chern-Weil theory, K-stability and geometric invariant theory.
After the lecture, Prof. Tian had discussions with the teachers and students present and gave detailed answers to all their questions.
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