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Home > News
· news [2022-07-15] 
· Prof. Jiangong You wins 2024 TWAS Award in Mathematics [2022-11-21] 
· Insights into development of Chinese mathematics through ICM 2022: a number o... [2022-07-15] 
· NKU Prof. Jiangong You and PKU Prof. Jian Ding invited as plenary speakers at... [2023-06-22] 
· Shaoming Guo appointed as an NKU Chair Professor of Mathematics [2024-07-22] 

· Workshop on Resurgence Theory in Mathematical Physics held in Shiing-Shen Bui... [2024-06-26] 
· Prof. Guangbo Xu delivers Colloquium lecture at CIM [2024-06-14] 
· Prof. Jian Zhou delivers Colloquium lecture at CIM [2024-06-07] 
· International Workshop on Higher Teichmüller Theory held in Shiing-Shen Build... [2024-05-29] 
· Prof. Fangyang Zheng delivers Colloquium lecture at CIM [2024-04-19] 

· Prof. Kefeng Liu delivers Colloquium lecture at CIM [2024-04-19] 
· Xinhua News: Interview: World-renowned mathematician acclaims China's mathema... [2024-04-15] 
· Xinhua News: GLOBALink | China is playing increasingly important role in math... [2024-04-11] 
· Prof. Ernesto Perez-Chavela delivers Special Lecture at CIM [2024-04-11] 
· Prof. Bernard Dacorogna delivers Special Lecture at CIM [2024-04-11] 
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Chern Institute of Mathematics, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071 China
Tel: 86-22-2350-1029, 86-22-2350-8228, Fax: 86-22-2350-8114, Email: cim@nankai.edu.cn
Copyright Chern Institute of Mathematics