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【The 100th Anniversary of Nankai University】Prof. Zhiming Ma invited to give a Chern Lecture at the "Nankai University's Centennial Grand Forum"
2019-11-01 15:18

News Summary:

On May 31, Prof. Zhiming Ma, member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Director of the Academic Committee of Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science of CAS, Dean of the School of Statistics and Data Science of Nankai University and the School of Mathematical Sciences of University of Science and Technology of China, was invited to give a Chern Lecture at the "Nankai University's Centennial Grand Forum". The President of Nankai University Xuetao Cao attended the forum and presented Prof. Zhiming Ma with a forum speaker commemorative certificate.

At the beginning of the lecture titled "Optional Measurable Additive Functionals", Prof. Zhiming Ma reminisced about some past moments he spent with Prof. Shiing-Shen Chern and the old times at the Chern Institute of Mathematics, then he started the main topic of the lecture and introduced theories about the Dirichlet forms.

After the lecture, Prof. Ma had discussions with the teachers and students present and answered their questions.

To read the full report in Chinese, please visit:


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