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Theoretical Physicist and Academician Mo-Lin Ge retires as emeritus professor and receives the first Outstanding Contribution Award given by Nankai University
2019-11-01 15:20

News Summary:

On June 8, the retirement ceremony for Mo-Lin Ge, a renowned theoretical physicist, member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and professor at the Chern Institute of Mathematics, was held at Nankai University. At the ceremony, Prof. Ge was honoured with the "Zhide Outstanding Contribution Award" by Zhide Foundation and the "Wenzhong Outstanding Contribution Award" by Wenzhong Foundation.   

Member of the Standing Committee of CPC Tianjin Municipal Committee and Minister of the Publicity Department of the CPC Tianjin Municipal Committee Zhemin Chen, Chancellor of Nankai University Qingshan Yang, President of Nankai University Xuetao Cao, Vice Chancellor and Vice President of Nankai University Kexin Yang attended the retirement and award ceremony. The President of Emergetech and NKU alumnus Haibing Zhou, Chairman of Wumart Group and NKU alumnus Wenzhong Zhang and CEO of Wumart Group Bin Zhang presented the awards to Prof. Ge. Attendees of the ceremony included 26 members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The ceremony was hosted by the Director of Chern Institute of Mathematics Chengming Bai and followed by several academic lectures delivered by Prof. Zhong Fang, Prof. Hongwei Zhao, Prof. Yongkun Ding, Prof. Jin Chang and Prof. Youquan Li.

Mo-Lin Ge was born in Beijing in December 1938. In 1965 he graduated from Lanzhou University with a master's degree in theoretical physics, and started to teach at the Nankai Institute of Mathematics in 1986. He used to conduct research and teaching as visiting professor at Stony Brook University, the University of California, Davis and The University of Utah. Prof. Ge is mainly engaged in research on theoretical physics. He has published more than 200 academic papers and compiled 9 books and journals. Prof. Ge has won twice the 1st Prize and the 2nd Prize of the National Award for Science and Technology Progress by Ministry of Education; other honors include the 3rd Prize of the National Award for Natural Sciences, the Scientific and Technological Progress Award by Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation, and the 2nd Prize of the National Teaching Achievement Award. He was previously a member of the General Committee of Asia-Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics, the Standing Committee of International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics, and the Award Committee of the Wigner Medal; also an editorial board member of several international scientific journals. In 2003 Prof. Mo-Lin Ge was elected as a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Among his more than 20 Ph.D. students, many are also members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Distinguished Young Scholars of the National Natural Science Foundation and professors at overseas leading universities.

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