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Nankai University's research team experimentally verifies the generalized Hardy's paradox
2019-12-13 17:27

News Summary:

The generalized Hardy's paradox recently have been experimentally verified jointly by Prof. Jingling Chen from the Chern Institute of Mathematics, Nankai University and the research group led by Prof. Jian-Wei Pan. Their research paper "Experimental Test of Generalized Hardy's Paradox" was published as the cover paper of the authoritative journal Science Bulletin. The research result was reported as a highlight by a feature article titled "Physicists experimentally verify the multipartite generalized Hardy's paradox" in the same issue of the journal, and was also reported by the world-famous journal Scientific American (Chinese Edition).

Jingling Chen currently is a professor at the Theoretical Physics Division of the Chern Institute of Mathematics. He is a longterm researcher of quantum physics and in recent years has been engaged in theoretical research that is closely connected with experiments. Prof. Chen has published 6 papers in the internationally renowned academic journal Physical Review Letters and 53 papers in Physical Review A. A total of 6 theoretical work project conducted by Prof. Chen has been verified experimentally.

To read the full report in Chinese, please visit:



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