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Prof. Zixin Hou: To Give Young People More Opportunities—In Commemoration of the 110th Anniversary of the Birth of Professor Shiing-Shen Chern
2021-12-20 10:27

Brief Introduction:

In this article Professor Zixin Hou quoted President Xi Jinping's speech at talent-related work conference, which called for better nurturing a large number of young sci-tech talent, and letting them play their roles.

Professor Shiing-Shen Chern had the same view on cultivating mathematical talent. What he did at that time is still worth learning for us now in talent training. Specifically, Professor Chern liked to make friends with young people, listen to their opinions and questions, and help them on solving problems in life. Moreover, he was extremely careful in training young people, giving each one of them enough attention and making recommendations accordingly, emphasizing the idea of equality and encouraging young scholars to express their opinions freely.

Professor Zixin Hou also gave his personal view that the old traditions of seniority are not suitable for academic circles. We must create a good environment for young scholars to communicate equally and harmoniously, improve the salary system so that they can settle down and focus on academic research, and actively promote the adjustment of sabbatical system to allow young scholars increase their creativity.  

To read the full article in Chinese, please visit:


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