On May 20-24, 2024, the International Workshop on Higher Teichmüller Theory was held in Shiing-Shen Building. Organized by Prof. Qiongling Li from Chern Institute of Mathematics of Nankai University, Daniele Alessandrini from Stevens Institute of Technology and Nicolas Tholozan from the École Normale Supérieure, the Workshop mainly focused on the hot topics related to Higher Teichmüller Theory, and attracted over 70 scholars from China, France, Switzerland, Spain, the US, Australia, Canada, Korea, etc.

A total of 23 lectures were delivered during the Workshop on the geometric, analytic, dynamical and algebraic aspects of surface group representations. Invited speakers include internationally renowned scholars such as Prof. Oscar Garcia-Prada from ICMAT, Madrid, Prof. Marc Burger from ETH, Zurich and Prof. Francis Bonahon from University of South California; as well as young scholars in China such as Prof. Weixu Su from Sun Yat-sen University and Prof. Zhe Sun from the University of Science and Technology of China.
The Workshop provided a great platform for experts and scholars in the field of Higher Teichmüller Theory to share their work results and further cooperate with each other; as well as offered a learning opportunity for young researchers. It is conducive to the future development of this research field in China.