On December 30, 2021, We Love Science, program of Tianjin News Radio, made a special episode named "To remember the great master and feel the beauty of mathematics — in commemoration of the 110th anniversary of the birth of Professor Shiing-Shen Chern". Professor Chengming Bai, Director of Chern Institute of Mathematics, guested on the program and shared with listeners the stories of the "unusual ordinary man" Shiing-Shen Chern, which reflect Professor Chern's devotion to mathematics, Nankai University and the country. As an expert of mathematics, Professor Bai also talked about the wonder of mathematics from a professional point of view and interpreted the concept of "beauty of mathematics".

Speaking of the emphasis Professor Chern put on the popularization of mathematics, Professor Chengming Bai said that Professor Chern had long noted that the future of Chinese mathematics lies with teenagers, hence it's particularly important to let them learn more about and then like mathematics, and for which Professor Chern had done a lot of work. This year Chern Institute of Mathematics has organized a series of activities for both commemorating the 110th anniversary of the birth of Professor Shiing-Shen Chern, and promoting the development of mathematics in hope of seeing more people become interested in math and realise what is the "fun of mathematics". It is also an opportunity to call for joint efforts from the mathematical communities to promote an early realization of Professor Chern's vision, which is to make China a leading math nation.