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In Memory of Chern
Home > In Memory of Chern > 110th Anniv. of Chern > Academic Events
· Prof.Duokui Yan: Hyperbolic motions for a class of Hamiltonian and generalize... [2022-01-28] 
· Dr.Qiang Guang:A new functional for convex bodies and the related prescribing... [2021-12-14] 
· Prof.Don Zagier: What makes a good mathematical question? [2021-12-08] 
· Dr.Jian Gao: Double loop code on GR (p^2, r) of Galois ring [2021-12-06] 
· Prof.Liping Wang:A New Code-based Blind Signature in Rank Metric [2021-12-06] 

· Dr.Weijun Fang;Construction of MDS Self-Dual Codes via Two Subsets [2021-12-06] 
· Prof.Weiping Zhang:Shiing-Shen Chern's academic achievements [2021-11-30] 
· Dr.Xingshan Cui:From Three Manifolds to Modular Categories [2021-11-24] 
· Prof.Minjia Shi:The q-ary antiprimitive BCH codes [2021-11-24] 
· Prof.Yonglin Cao: Matrix product structure of repeated root constant cyclic c... [2021-11-24] 

· Dr.Jun Zhang:Finite geometry and Reed-Solomon codes [2021-11-24] 
· Prof.Yuan Lou: Principal eigenvalues and their applications [2021-11-24] 
· Dr.Jie Zhou:A short introduction to homological mirror symmetry [2021-11-24] 
· Dr.Yinghua Ai:Introduction to infinity categories [2021-11-24] 
· Prof.Si Li & Dr.Zhengping Gui:Quantization and Factorization Algebra [2021-11-24] 
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