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In Memory of Chern
Home > In Memory of Chern > 110th Anniv. of Chern > Academic Events
· Prof.Liang Kong & Dr.Zhihao Zhang: An invitation to topological orders and ca... [2021-11-22] 
· Prof.Pavel Kolesnikov: Novikov algebras and derived binary operads [2021-11-04] 
· Dr.Lutian Zhao: Stability Condition for Tame Parahoric Higgs Bundle [2021-11-01] 
· Dr.Xuesen Na:SU(1,2) Higgs bundle, spectral data and limiting configuration [2021-10-25] 
· Prof.Song Jiang: Asymptotic preserving schemes for radiative transfer systems [2021-10-19] 

· Prof.Gang Tian: Geometric stability [2021-10-19] 
· Prof.Zhiming Ma:Information communication and Mathematics [2021-10-19] 
· Prof.Jian Ding:A review of recent progress on random field Ising model [2021-10-18] 
· Prof.Youquan Li:Compass-free migratory navigation [2021-10-18] 
· Prof.Chongying Dong:Monstrous moonshine and orbiford theory [2021-10-15] 

· Prof.Yucai Su: Jacobi conjecture and related topics [2021-10-12] 
· Prof.li Ren: Super orbifold theory [2021-10-12] 
· Prof.Qiang Fu: ON THE ALGEBRA U(gln[t]) [2021-10-12] 
· Dr.Tao Su: Dual boundary complexes of Betti moduli spaces [2021-10-12] 
· Dr.Tao Su: Legendrian knots and constructible sheaves [2021-10-12] 
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Chern Institute of Mathematics, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071 China
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