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In Memory of Chern
Home > In Memory of Chern > 110th Anniv. of Chern > Academic Events
· Dr.Xiang Yu: Infinite Spin in Total Collisions of the Planar N-Body Problem [2021-10-08] 
· Dr.Jianshe Yu: Mosquito suppression models consisting of two sub-equations sw... [2021-09-24] 
· Prof.Dongdai Lin: Algebraic ideas in cryptanalysis [2021-09-24] 
· Dr.Pan Liu: The creative ramble of drama "Geometry of Life II - Master Shiin... [2021-09-23] 
· Dr.Ran Yang: A dihedral Bott-type iteration formula and stability of symmetri... [2021-09-23] 

· Prof.Su Gao; Sarnak’s Conjecture for Rank-One Subshifts [2021-09-23] 
· Chen-Ning Franklin Yang's academic achievements [2021-09-14] 
· Prof.Roger Penrose: Space-Time Singularities and Cyclic Geometry [2021-08-02] 
· Dr.Hao Sun:On the Image of Hitchin Morphism for Algebraic Surfaces [2021-07-29] 
· Dr.Wei Xiao: Jantzen filtration and its application [2021-07-29] 

· Prof.Yucai Su: Cohomology theory of Lie superalgebra [2021-07-20] 
· Prof.Haizhong Li: Curvature flows for hypersurfaces and their geometric appli... [2021-06-23] 
· Prof.Xiwang Cao: A new method for constructing linear codes with small hulls [2021-06-23] 
· Prof.Qinyue: Some encoding properties of GOPPA codes [2021-06-23] 
· Prof.Yonglin Cao:On the construction and expression to self-dual cyclic codes... [2021-06-23] 
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Chern Institute of Mathematics, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071 China
Tel: 86-22-2350-1029, 86-22-2350-8228, Fax: 86-22-2350-8114, Email: cim@nankai.edu.cn
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