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In Memory of Chern
Home > In Memory of Chern > 110th Anniv. of Chern > Academic Events
· Prof.Zizhou Tang: Isoparametric polynomials and sum of squares [2021-06-15] 
· Prof.Zhicheng Wang: Propagation phenomenon in a diffusion system with the Bel... [2021-06-15] 
· Prof.Jincheng Zhuang: Hardness of Entropic Module-LWE [2021-06-15] 
· Dr.Weijun Fang: Construction of MDS Euclidean Self-Dual Codes via Two Subsets [2021-06-15] 
· Dr.Benedikt Hurle: On a new type of Leibniz algebras and bialgebras [2021-06-15] 

· Dr.Daniel Skodlerack : Endo-parameters for p-adic classical groups [2021-06-15] 
· Prof.Keqin Feng: Cross solvable design and encoding cache schemes [2021-06-08] 
· Prof.Keqin Feng: The application of discrete mathematics in information scien... [2021-06-07] 
· Dr.Jun Zhang: Rational points on a family of symmetric hypersurfaces over fin... [2021-06-07] 
· Prof.Zhiying Wen: Training and thinking in study and research [2021-05-31] 

· Prof.Daniele Alessandrini: Non commutative cluster coordinates for Higher Tei... [2021-05-25] 
· Dr.Gurong Xu: The periodic solutions of two-body-two-center-problem [2021-05-25] 
· Prof.Jiangong You: Several mathematical problems in the context of quantum ph... [2021-05-18] 
· Dr.Zhe Sun: Flows and symplectic structure on the higher Teichmuller space [2021-05-17] 
· Prof.Fei Xu: Layer and Group Representation on Finite Ei Categories [2021-05-12] 
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Chern Institute of Mathematics, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071 China
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