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In Memory of Chern
Home > In Memory of Chern > 110th Anniv. of Chern > Academic Events
· Dr.Tian Xu: Nonlinear Dirac equations and surfaces of prescribed mean curvatu... [2021-05-10] 
· Dr.Wenshuai Jiang: Recent Progress of Gromov-Hausdorff limit spaces and some ... [2021-04-26] 
· Prof.Wen Huang: Polynomial complexity and Sarnak conjecture [2021-04-23] 
· Prof.Zeng Lian: Chaotic behavior of hyperbolic dynamical systems [2021-04-23] 
· Prof.Wenmeng Zhang: On differentiable Anosov splitting and its application to... [2021-04-23] 

· Prof.Xiangyu Zhou: Start with the Introduction of Complex Number [2021-04-07] 
· Dr.Chen Zhou: Lefschetz type theorems on weakly 1-complete manifolds [2021-04-02] 
· Dr.Chengjian Yao:Einstein-Bogomol' nyi equation and Gravitating Vortex equati... [2021-04-02] 
· Dr. Tengren Zhang:Directed Anosov representations and weakly positive repres... [2021-04-02] 
· Prof.Mo-Lin Ge: Our Responsibility - Basic Research and Technological Progres... [2021-03-29] 

· Dr.Tian Yang:Recent progress on the volume conjecture for the Reshetikhin-Tu... [2021-03-24] 
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