On the afternoon of March 26, the presentation on the commemorative activities for the 110th anniversary of Shiing-Shen Chern's birth and Symposium of Tianjin University Math Departments were held at the Chern Institute of Mathematics (CIM). Present at the event were heads of math departments of several universities in Tianjin, including Tianjin University, Tianjin University of Finance and Economics, Tiangong University, Tianjin University of Technology and Tianjin Normal University; directors of School of Mathematical Sciences, Center for Combinatorics and School of Statistics and Data Science of Nankai University, representatives of Nankai University Education Foundation, and some teachers and postdocs of CIM. The presentation was hosted by Vice Director of CIM Huitao Feng.

At the beginning of the presentation, Prof. Chengming Bai, director of CIM, introduced Shiing-Shen Chern and his main contributions to Chinese mathematics, as well as a series of commemorative activities to be held for the 110th anniversary and the places for people to visit during the commemoration.
Prof. Chengming Bai said at the presentation that the intention of planning all the commemorative activities is to let more people, especially the youth of today, know about Shiing-Shen Chern and his concept which stresses the fun of learning mathematics, and realise how useful mathematics can be. Prof. Bai expressed his hope for getting more attention and publicity from the universities, and welcomed all the attendees to participate in the commemorative activities.

Heads of the math departments of the universities all agreed on the necessity of commemorating Shiing-Shen Chern and promoting his ideas, and offered suggestions according to their own experience, some of which were briefly discussed at the meeting, such as university exhibition tour and other approaches to promote the commemorative activities.