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Home > News
· 【The 100th Anniversary of Nankai University】Prof. Zhongxian Zhao invited to... [2019-11-01] 
· Theoretical Physicist and Academician Mo-Lin Ge retires as emeritus professor... [2019-11-01] 
· Prof. Chen-Ning Yang writes inscription for Haibing Building of Nankai Univer... [2019-12-09] 
· Prof. Hasi Wulan gives Colloquium lecture at CIM [2019-12-11] 
· "China should not build large accelerator." — Nankai University physics prof... [2019-12-12] 

· 【The 100th Anniversary of Nankai University】Prof. Zhiming Ma invited to giv... [2019-11-01] 
· 【The 100th Anniversary of Nankai University】Prof. Shing-Tung Yau invited to... [2019-11-01] 
· Prof. Manuel Blum and Prof. Lenore Blum from Carnegie Mellon University visit... [2019-12-12] 
· Prof. Jianya Liu gives Colloquium lecture at CIM [2019-12-12] 
· Music video of Ode to the Motherland by Nankai University becomes hot topic [2019-12-12] 

· Workshop on Differential Dynamical Systems held in Shiing-Shen Building [2019-12-12] 
· Prof. Jun Li gives Colloquium lecture at CIM [2019-12-12] 
· Vice mayor of Tianjin Mr. Shuqi Li visits Prof. Yiming Long [2019-12-12] 
· Workshop for Young Scholars of Geometry and Mathematical Physics held in Shii... [2019-12-12] 
· 2019 Workshop on Nonlinear Analysis held in Shiing-Shen Building [2019-12-12] 
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Chern Institute of Mathematics, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071 China
Tel: 86-22-2350-1029, 86-22-2350-8228, Fax: 86-22-2350-8114, Email: cim@nankai.edu.cn
Copyright Chern Institute of Mathematics